Pairs Dictation (Reading and Writing)


This game is suitable for all levels of students. The aim of this game is to read, dictate and write missing words in a text.

First, divide the class into pairs of A and B. Then, give each student their respective version of the text and explain that they should keep this secret. The teacher should explain that although their texts are the same, different words are missing.

The teacher will demonstrate that students should take turns to red the text and dictate the missing words to their partner. Students could also ask their partner  any questions they like to do this, eg Can you repeat that please? How do you spell ‘cordial’? In the end, they should compare their texts and check the answers.

Retelling the Tale (Listening and Speaking)


This game works very well with primary school students! If your students start dozing off every time you start talking, this game will save the day.

First, tell the class a story of their interest or according of the day. Then, instruct him to retell the story using his own words. Points may be given.  For example, he might get one point each for knowing the beginning, middle and end sections, two points for naming each character, three points for naming each place and five points for more abstract concepts such as retelling how the characters felt.

Do not forget to give your students a small prize for reaching the listening objective. You could also create competition among the students by choosing a few students to retell the story. This is to see who has paid close attention and is able to retell the story in great detail in order to earn more points!